Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Presentation on Penny Weights


1.       What would one cent piece weigh?
a.       3.11 grams 1909
2.       What would 1908 cent weigh?
a.       3.11 grams
3.       What would 1793 cent weigh?
a.       Coinfacts.com
b.      13.48 grams
c.       1793= 100% copper penny
4.       3.11 g 1864-1909 Indian head pennies

Reflection of presentation: 
-I believe our group lacked in leadership and overall determination to do well on the project. I don't believe everyone in the group was willing to work on it, and didn't take it seriously. Most group members did take the time to get together and work on the project, but it wasn't enough to get the type of results that we wanted.

Blog Post 15: Entrepreneurship

The career path that I have planned out for myself is to be a Physician’s Assistant (PA), more specifically working in the operating room with surgeons. I believe it is a  great career choice for me, it fits my lifestyle and my interests perfectly. I am able to go into many different types of fields while being a PA. I also am able to move about without restriction. I can go from surgery to family practice, to cardiology, with no hesitation because we are prepared for all categories.

After learning a bit about being a businessperson and being an entrepreneur, I believe I would want to be an entrepreneur. My interpretation of being an entrepreneur was being able to work how you want to work, not necessarily the exact hours that you want, but work hours that you are comfortable with, and not working because others need you to. I also find being an entrepreneur is to have financial freedom and living comfortably, rather than pay check to pay check. I also would like to start a family someday, so being an entrepreneur is also the better pick, because I will be able to live a comfortable life, with hours that I can manage, and still spend lots of time with my family. However, just like we talked about in class, right now, and probably for the next five to ten years, I may not be living the entrepreneur lifestyle as much as the businessperson lifestyle. I have school to get through, paying off school, and just working to get myself a base to work up from. I know eventually, I will be living the entrepreneur lifestyle rather than businessperson’s lifestyle.

I believe that my PDP is very well in line with my thoughts and goals for my career path. My PDP addresses very clearly what I want to do for a career and a timeline in which I want to do it in. It doesn’t describe everything about living comfortably, but that is topic of general knowledge I believe and also relative.
At this very moment, it’s difficult to see what things I could change in order to become an entrepreneur. The reasons for that are mainly because of college and being the typical “poor college student.” So the financial freedoms as well as the setting my own hours can’t be improved upon all that much. What can be improved is my overall mind set. I know that I can be an entrepreneur, but convincing myself and doing the work is the biggest obstacle that is in my way. I also think that acquiring more information about how to get into PA school, and what PA school is like would benefit me and help prepare me for what is to come.

In my opinion, being an entrepreneur is not just starting and owning your own business. I believe it is being able to make yourself happy. It’s putting yourself in a good, comfortable life. Surrounding yourself with people that you enjoy the most and that can only help you improve your life, and ridding yourself of the ones that slow you down and want to drag you down. I think it is a fundamental concept to surround yourself with people that want to help you and for you to help them and not put yourself in situations that impede you from your goals and happiness.

Post 14 Lean Process

For my lean process I chose to organize and categorize my desk items. On my desk I had pens, note pads, and cords all over. Obviously I had to move things around and clear space every time I needed to get work done. So, I neatly organized my items by placing them into their proper drawer or shelf. This way, I know where my items are, I’m not digging through things and shoving things out of the way to get things done. This is a waste of time and it adds frustration to something that is already difficult. All my cords are wrapped up nicely and placed in a drawer, tucked away so they don’t come undone unless I pull them out. My pens and pencils are in a nice holder on the shelf and a couple in my drawer for spares. Overall, this all will help me become more efficient and not be frustrated with the clutter of my desk.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Post #13 Criteria for Evaluation

The following criteria will be used to evaluate my group members on our final project.  Each member will be ranked in numerical order (based off of this criteria) with the exception of myself.  

1.      Participation: 

a.       researching topics
b.      adding to the conversation
c.       asking questions
d.      attendance in group meeting and class
2.      Contributions 
a.       quality effort
3.      Tasks accomplished
a.       follow the timeline established by the group
4.      Professionalism Posts
5.      Communication

Post #11: Quality Management

The occupation that is of interest to me is Physician's Assistant (PA). PA's work within in hospitals or clinics usually and work under doctors. Quality Management is assessed in a number of ways; first, regulatory inspection. Hospitals are constantly inspected for up to date, sterile, and proper working equipment and supplies. Public satisfaction surveys are another way that PA's and Physician's found out their quality of work. Third-party assessment is one last way that they can asses quality. They can hire a company to assess or a company will on their own measure the quality of the hospital and supply the information to the company.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Post 12: 5s Process

1. Sorting (Seiri)
I utilized this method by eliminating garbage and any unused tools and materials, such as; papers, pens and pencils.

2. Straightening or setting order (Seiton)
I also put items in specific areas in an organized fashion, so I now know exactly I can find things when I need them. Each tool like pencils, pens, books, stickynotes, everything found a more efficient place in my desk area.

3. Systematic Cleaning (Seiso)
My parents have always told me that it is easier to keep something clean than to get it clean. So, I am going to practice systematic cleaning. I did dust my desk for the photo

4. Standardizing (Seiketsu)
I am going to work on keeping my desk organized and usable. This way, everyone will find it easily to use my desk (If that should happen).

5. Sustaining the Discipline of the Self Discipline (Shitsuke)
I feel this is very similar to #4. I will do my best to maintain my desk's cleanliness and organization.

6. Safety
As for safety, I reorganized my wires and cords for my desk. It can be pretty nasty, which could lead to an accident of some kind.

7. Security
It's easy to not have things organized, just like my cords, which can cause accidents. I've tripped over them, yanked them out of the wall, pulling stuff off my desk. This can cost me money and effect my mood. So to prevent that is a very good thing.

8. Satisfaction
I am happy to see that my desk is clean and organized. I know that I will be able to be more efficient when doing my studies and other activities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Post 9 Project Title, Issue and Action Plan

Finding/designing a medical devise or treatment to combat COPD 
The following is how the initial research is being broken up. We will be meeting with Dr. Ruth the first week of Nov. to go over our findings 
·         Pathogenesis of COPD
·         Reversibility or ways to slow the progression of COPD
·         When is O2 needed
·         Primary causes of COPD
·         Impact on patients quality of life
·         Common patient complaints related to COPD
·          What helps with the disease (treatments, drugs)
·         What exacerbates the disease
Kevin K:
·         Pathophysiology of COPD
Kevin O:
·         What happens to the lungs and surrounding organs
·         What is happening to the Alveoli on an anationical  and cellular level
·         What part of the lungs are affected and how does this differ in different patients
·         Incidence and Prevalence
·         What organ systems are involved
·         What is happing to the bronchi on an anationical and cellular level
·         What part of the disease makes the patients feel ill

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ethical Question- Post 10

One of the current debated topics in the medical field, for doctors and physician's assistants, is of euthanasia. 1. So the question is: Is it ethical for doctors to practice euthanasia? 

2. There are obviously two sides to this question, one being it is unethical for physician's to remove a patient from life support, no matter if they are suffering or in a coma. This side believes that this is an intentional killing, rather then letting the patient die naturally. Some of the objections that people that are against euthanasia are; There isn't a reason for someone to die in pain anymore because we are becoming very good at blocking pain with medication (Palliative Care). Another objection is that we, as physician's and family, don't have the evidence that a dying person really wants to be assisted in death and whether the dying person is competent or enduring enough to make that decision.
On the other side of the fence, for the people who believe that euthanasia is ethical, there are a number of reasons they believe in it. There is list of requirements that the patient must be experiencing in order to practice euthanasia. 1. The patient is suffering from terminal illness 2. The patient is unlikely to benefit from the discovery of a cure for their illness during the remainder of their lifetime. 3. The patient is suffering intolerable pain of has a very burdened life because of the disease. 4. Is unable to commit suicide on their own. 

4. My position on the topic is with the against euthanasia side. I do believe that people that who are suffering or have a terminal illness should be allowed to die naturally. The patient, at times, isn't fully competent with their decisions and will possibly want to take the 'easy way out'. But I am not one for that. There are medical miracles everyday around the world, and who knows when and where the next one will be. Also, having the courage to actually purposely kill someone is not in me. The patient's family still loves them and enjoys every second that they have left on earth. It's difficult for me to be able to take not only someone's life, but the happiness of others, no matter the situation.

5. My comment: "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."  -Franklin D. Rosevelt

Monday, October 24, 2011

Post 8 Ethical Question

Q: Is it ethical for a physician to accept Wild tickets from a pharmaceutical rep to take her family to the game?

A: I would say no, it isn't ethical. Although the physician can learn information about a new pharmaceutical drug, it is unethical to accept tickets in order to allow an audience with a pharm. rep. There are methods of finding out information from the pharmaceutical drug. I don't believe that physician's are limited to meetngs with pharm. reps in order to find out more about drugs and to hear a sales pitch of any kind. I'm sure that hospitals and other health care facilities would not find accepting tickets to a Wild game would be ethically sound for their business. Although physician's claim to say that gifts don't influence their decisions what so ever, pharm. reps claim that they often times need to present gifts in order to get their foot in the door. 

General Ethics

Physician's Assistant's Ethical Code:


Ethics are guided by autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice

Statement of Values of the Physician Assistant Profession

  • Physician assistant hold as their primary responsibility the health, safety, welfare, and dignity of all human beings.
  • Physician assistants uphold the tenets of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.
  • Physician assistants recognize and promote the value of diversity.
  • Physician assistants treat equally all persons who seek their care.
  • Physician assistants assess their personal capabilities and limitations, striving always to improve their medical practice.
  • Physician assistants actively seek to expand their knowledge and skills, keeping abreast of advances in medicine.
  • Physician assistants work with other members of the health care team to provide compassionate and effective care of patients.
  • Physician assistants respect their professional relationship with physicians.
  • Physician assistants share and expand knowledge within the profession.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Diversity, to me, means to be open and bring in people from different back rounds. This will benefit myself by opening my eyes, as well as my peers, and to see things with a different perspective. This will help make life and my career less mundane. Having people with different back rounds will have different ideas and different ethics on areas of work. They all might not be great ideas, but they can be constructive and build up other ideas. 

1. Mayo Clinic staff value and promote diversity. Diversity refers to all the characteristics that distinguish individuals or groups from one another. It includes distinctions based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran's status, or status with regard to public assistance.

The goal of Mayo Clinic staff is to create a caring service environment where individual differences are valued, allowing individuals to achieve and contribute to their fullest potential. Benefits of embracing this goal include:
  • Diversity of viewpoints and perspectives in concepts, initiatives and decision making
  • Greater innovations and creativity
  • A broad pool of qualified employees, enabling recruitment and retention of the best talent
An environment that nurtures and supports the fullest contributions of each individual is essential to success in patient care, education and research. Creating and sustaining this climate are the responsibilities of each individual who provides care, directly or indirectly, or learns at Mayo Clinic.
2. At Hennepin County Medical Center, we believe that diversity is more than race, ethnicity and gender, and is inclusive of age, sexual orientation, education, socioeconomics, physical ability, religion, and all the ways in which we are the same and different.

Why Inclusion?
While diversity focuses on the ways in which we are the same and different, and raising awareness and acknowledging our similarities and differences are important, the work of inclusion is a focus on providing a sense of belonging to all individuals so that they are welcomed, respected, encouraged and valued as an employee, volunteer, and patient.

3. UnitedHealth Group: We embrace and encourage a culture of diversity and inclusion. We know that valuing diversity makes good business sense and helps to ensure our future success.

4. At Fairview, diversity is more than a buzzword. It cuts to the essence of how we provide care and how employees feel about working here. As a word, diversity describes the differences and similarities that affect how we work and live together. Examples include race, ethnicity, nationality, primary language and accent, age, gender, gender identity, physical capability, sexual orientation, size, spiritual beliefs and tenure.
The diversity of our communities is reflected among those who work at Fairview and those for whom we care. By understanding, respecting and using our differences to improve the lives of those we touch, we inspire employee pride. 
Fairview's policies and practices promote equal opportunity employment. We know that people choose Fairview as an employer and as a health care provider based on how well we understand and respect our differences. Having a diverse balance in our workforce improves our culturally competent care and helps create a welcoming environment for all patients and employees.

A lot of the Diversity Statements do like to address that by valuing diversity, the company as well as the employees and customers, will prosper and benefit.  They fit very well with my view on diversity. I know that diversity can bring change to a group of people and that, with proper guidance, can be a positive outcome. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Professional Development Plan

Professional Development Plan for 5 years from now.
Interests- The health field is a passion of mine. I enjoy learning about medical practices and the science behind their methods. I also have an interest in sports and other physical activities. I excel at learning and applying my knowledge of health and wellness in my life as well as others. That’s why my interest in the health field is so great.

Goals- Within a year, I would like to be building my patient care hours as a Certified Nursing Assistant or a Phlebotomist, as well as working a full time job. I want to be prepared and ready to apply to Physician’s Assistant school. Within three years, I want to be in PA school. Not sure which school. I’m still looking over my options. In six years, I want to be a PA and optimistically in surgery.  

Action Steps- I will first graduate with a degree in Applied Science from Stout in Spring 2012. I have been offered a full time position with UnitedHealth Group once I do graduate. I will acquire my CNA licensed or Phlebotomist license soon after graduating from Stout so I can build my patient care hours for PA school.

Corrective Action- Not at the moment. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Carbon Dioxide Paper Evaluation

1. https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AR-g2f6dIA0oZGdxZG1zaHdfMTljZDJqYzhweA&hl=en_US

2. I believe that the criteria we established were good criteria. I think that the two criteria we chose can and are used by other groups and committees, when evaluating a scientific paper.

3. I believe that the strength of my group, the "No" group, were very apparent in the actual presentation of their findings. The "No" groups did a nice job researching on the paper, looking for evidence on making the paper invalid, and conveying that in a way that the rest of the class could see and understand in a short period of time. I felt that, at least two of the three "No" groups, were confident in their content that they came up with. If there was a question or objection from anyone in the class, it seemed that the group was ready to rebuttal. All of these strengths I believed help the "No" group win in the voting. Some of the weaknesses that we had as a group was to find evidence to prove the paper wrong and being able to apply it to the criteria we set. Another struggle we had, at least for my individual group, was deciding what things should we present and which information would give us a strong presentation.

4. What went well was the communication between people. My individual group used Google Docs, which provides an accessible way for everyone to view, make changes, and provide feedback on our power point deck. One struggle we did face was always having every group member there. It was a busy period for several group members, so it was difficult to keep up with some of the things people had dug up about the paper to present on.

5. I believed in my position on the paper. It made it a little easier to do research and present on.

6. It is difficult to say if we made the right choice. Based on our beliefs and evidence we found disproving the paper, it's hard to validate the paper and the information with in it.

7. Kind of going off of what we talked about in class, the US is beginning to become smaller in the global scale of things like; economy, population and power. The things we do are having a lesser impact to the world  then they did in the past.

8. What we do as individuals matters because, just like Einstein, Newton, Bill Gates and others, an individual can make a huge impact to the world, it's market and it's environment. All it takes is for someone to say something, propose an idea, create a life altering invention and everything swings.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Criteria for Evaluating a Science Paper

1. Has scholarly sources
2. Well written
3. Shows some results from research
4. Has a clear, concise thesis or experimental question
5. Shows ideas that are based off of thesis

What we came up in class...

1. References/sources Credible
2. Science Methods Valid- Accuracy, repeatability, open perspective, non-bias approach
3. Author Credentials
4. Is the paper legitimate now?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Professional Development Plan Criteria

Professional Development Plan Criteria

Interests- What interests you and what can you do with your skills to be able to work with those interests.

Assess Skills- What are your skills? What are you good at?

Goals- Where do you want to be? What kind of job do you want to have?

Timeline- What kind of timeline do you have to achieve each one of your goals? 1, 3, 5, 10 year goals?

Action Steps- How are you going to achieve your goals? What are you willing to do to accomplish your goals and interests?

Corrective Action- Do you need to do anything or change anything in your life to get you back on track to achieve your goals.