Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Post 12: 5s Process

1. Sorting (Seiri)
I utilized this method by eliminating garbage and any unused tools and materials, such as; papers, pens and pencils.

2. Straightening or setting order (Seiton)
I also put items in specific areas in an organized fashion, so I now know exactly I can find things when I need them. Each tool like pencils, pens, books, stickynotes, everything found a more efficient place in my desk area.

3. Systematic Cleaning (Seiso)
My parents have always told me that it is easier to keep something clean than to get it clean. So, I am going to practice systematic cleaning. I did dust my desk for the photo

4. Standardizing (Seiketsu)
I am going to work on keeping my desk organized and usable. This way, everyone will find it easily to use my desk (If that should happen).

5. Sustaining the Discipline of the Self Discipline (Shitsuke)
I feel this is very similar to #4. I will do my best to maintain my desk's cleanliness and organization.

6. Safety
As for safety, I reorganized my wires and cords for my desk. It can be pretty nasty, which could lead to an accident of some kind.

7. Security
It's easy to not have things organized, just like my cords, which can cause accidents. I've tripped over them, yanked them out of the wall, pulling stuff off my desk. This can cost me money and effect my mood. So to prevent that is a very good thing.

8. Satisfaction
I am happy to see that my desk is clean and organized. I know that I will be able to be more efficient when doing my studies and other activities.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Post 9 Project Title, Issue and Action Plan

Finding/designing a medical devise or treatment to combat COPD 
The following is how the initial research is being broken up. We will be meeting with Dr. Ruth the first week of Nov. to go over our findings 
·         Pathogenesis of COPD
·         Reversibility or ways to slow the progression of COPD
·         When is O2 needed
·         Primary causes of COPD
·         Impact on patients quality of life
·         Common patient complaints related to COPD
·          What helps with the disease (treatments, drugs)
·         What exacerbates the disease
Kevin K:
·         Pathophysiology of COPD
Kevin O:
·         What happens to the lungs and surrounding organs
·         What is happening to the Alveoli on an anationical  and cellular level
·         What part of the lungs are affected and how does this differ in different patients
·         Incidence and Prevalence
·         What organ systems are involved
·         What is happing to the bronchi on an anationical and cellular level
·         What part of the disease makes the patients feel ill